Set in a world where all musicals are movie adaptations, Movies, Musicals, and Me: An Evening With Me, Halpert Evans is a career retrospective cabaret of Broadway star - nay, legend - Halpert Evans (played by Al Fallick). Halpert, his loyal accompanist, Courtney (Clark Baxtresser), and special guests perform songs from such fictional Broadway smashes as Forrest Gump: The Musical, A Quiet Place: The Musical, The Social Network: The Musical, and more.
Set in a world where all musicals are movie adaptations, Movies, Musicals, and Me: An Evening With Me, Halpert Evans is a career retrospective cabaret of Broadway star - nay, legend - Halpert Evans (played by Al Fallick). Halpert, his loyal accompanist, Courtney (Clark Baxtresser), and special guests perform songs from such fictional Broadway smashes as Forrest Gump: The Musical, A Quiet Place: The Musical, The Social Network: The Musical, and more.
Set in a world where all musicals are movie adaptations, Movies, Musicals, and Me: An Evening With Me, Halpert Evans is a career retrospective cabaret of Broadway star - nay, legend - Halpert Evans (played by Al Fallick). Halpert, his loyal accompanist, Courtney (Clark Baxtresser), and special guests perform songs from such fictional Broadway smashes as Forrest Gump: The Musical, A Quiet Place: The Musical, The Social Network: The Musical, and more.