Curated and hosted by Shafer Hall and Kristin Kostick, the Mongoose versus Cobra Reading Series has featured many great poets and writers over the last year, including Nick Flynn, Sampson Starkweather and Martha Serpas.
The Reading Series will continue every second Monday and will feature such distinguished readers as Michael Snediker, Olga Mexina, Danniel Schoonebeek, Sam Mansfield, Shane Lake, Peter Hyland, Bridget Lowe, Phong Nguyen, Michelle Oakes and others.
The poetry/literature reading events coincide with MVSC's ongoing weekly Monday special, featuring half-price Texas draughts all day.
Nov. 11 - Olga Mexina, Will Wilkinson
Dec. 9 - Sam Mansfield, Shane Lake and Peter Hyland
Jan. 13 - Bridget Lowe
Feb. 10 - Phong Nguyen