In this thrilling installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, two young brothers visit their Aunt Claire, a theme park executive at Jurassic World. Populated with genetically resurrected dinosaurs, chaos erupts in Jurassic World when a newly created dino escapes its enclosure, forcing these three - along with park's animal behaviorist Owen Grady - to save the day.
In this thrilling installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, two young brothers visit their Aunt Claire, a theme park executive at Jurassic World. Populated with genetically resurrected dinosaurs, chaos erupts in Jurassic World when a newly created dino escapes its enclosure, forcing these three - along with park's animal behaviorist Owen Grady - to save the day.
In this thrilling installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, two young brothers visit their Aunt Claire, a theme park executive at Jurassic World. Populated with genetically resurrected dinosaurs, chaos erupts in Jurassic World when a newly created dino escapes its enclosure, forcing these three - along with park's animal behaviorist Owen Grady - to save the day.