This year’s family show, Beauty and The Beast, will star Dame Dotty Potty, Loopy Louie, Gaston, Belle, and, of course, The Beast. Dreaming of a happier life, the beautiful Belle finds herself transported to a spell-bound castle held captive by a hideous beast. Can she see beyond the monster and fall in love with her captor before they lose the perfect rose? Or will the Beast’s selfishness cost him the world he once knew and the hand of the girl that has melted his heart?
This year’s family show, Beauty and The Beast, will star Dame Dotty Potty, Loopy Louie, Gaston, Belle, and, of course, The Beast. Dreaming of a happier life, the beautiful Belle finds herself transported to a spell-bound castle held captive by a hideous beast. Can she see beyond the monster and fall in love with her captor before they lose the perfect rose? Or will the Beast’s selfishness cost him the world he once knew and the hand of the girl that has melted his heart?
This year’s family show, Beauty and The Beast, will star Dame Dotty Potty, Loopy Louie, Gaston, Belle, and, of course, The Beast. Dreaming of a happier life, the beautiful Belle finds herself transported to a spell-bound castle held captive by a hideous beast. Can she see beyond the monster and fall in love with her captor before they lose the perfect rose? Or will the Beast’s selfishness cost him the world he once knew and the hand of the girl that has melted his heart?