The Kenny Endo Contemporary Ensemble is a multi-instrumental ensemble featuring master taiko artist, Kenny Endo. The Ensemble performs original works combining taiko with melodic and other instruments, such as koto (Japanese zither), shinobue or shakuhachi (bamboo flutes), vibraphones, viola, tsugaru shamisen, saxophone, violin, guitar, and djembe (type of African drum).
The Kenny Endo Contemporary Ensemble is a multi-instrumental ensemble featuring master taiko artist, Kenny Endo. The Ensemble performs original works combining taiko with melodic and other instruments, such as koto (Japanese zither), shinobue or shakuhachi (bamboo flutes), vibraphones, viola, tsugaru shamisen, saxophone, violin, guitar, and djembe (type of African drum).
The Kenny Endo Contemporary Ensemble is a multi-instrumental ensemble featuring master taiko artist, Kenny Endo. The Ensemble performs original works combining taiko with melodic and other instruments, such as koto (Japanese zither), shinobue or shakuhachi (bamboo flutes), vibraphones, viola, tsugaru shamisen, saxophone, violin, guitar, and djembe (type of African drum).