Hair Crownicles is a comedic one-woman musical show written and performed by Medina Perine and directed by Eric Walker. Hair Crownicles was originally performed at the Greenhouse Theater in Chicago in collaboration with the MPAACT Theatre Company in 2013. Medina chronicles her journey through verse of her methods of "fitting in" society one hairstyle at a time.
Hair Crownicles is a comedic one-woman musical show written and performed by Medina Perine and directed by Eric Walker. Hair Crownicles was originally performed at the Greenhouse Theater in Chicago in collaboration with the MPAACT Theatre Company in 2013. Medina chronicles her journey through verse of her methods of "fitting in" society one hairstyle at a time.
Hair Crownicles is a comedic one-woman musical show written and performed by Medina Perine and directed by Eric Walker. Hair Crownicles was originally performed at the Greenhouse Theater in Chicago in collaboration with the MPAACT Theatre Company in 2013. Medina chronicles her journey through verse of her methods of "fitting in" society one hairstyle at a time.