A continuation of Jane Austen’s beloved Pride and Prejudice, the servants below stairs at the grand Pemberley estate find themselves in the midst of a different holiday scandal. An unwelcome visitor has stumbled into the hall in the middle of the night - Mr. Darcy’s nemesis and Lydia’s incorrigible husband, Mr. Wickham.
The bustling housekeeper, Mrs. Reynolds, Cassie, the resilient new serving girl, and Brian, the helplessly romantic groomsman, must each balance their holiday preparations with keeping Wickham confined. But before long, everything reaches a boiling point, festivities spiral into chaos, and the truth comes to light.
A continuation of Jane Austen’s beloved Pride and Prejudice, the servants below stairs at the grand Pemberley estate find themselves in the midst of a different holiday scandal. An unwelcome visitor has stumbled into the hall in the middle of the night - Mr. Darcy’s nemesis and Lydia’s incorrigible husband, Mr. Wickham.
The bustling housekeeper, Mrs. Reynolds, Cassie, the resilient new serving girl, and Brian, the helplessly romantic groomsman, must each balance their holiday preparations with keeping Wickham confined. But before long, everything reaches a boiling point, festivities spiral into chaos, and the truth comes to light.
A continuation of Jane Austen’s beloved Pride and Prejudice, the servants below stairs at the grand Pemberley estate find themselves in the midst of a different holiday scandal. An unwelcome visitor has stumbled into the hall in the middle of the night - Mr. Darcy’s nemesis and Lydia’s incorrigible husband, Mr. Wickham.
The bustling housekeeper, Mrs. Reynolds, Cassie, the resilient new serving girl, and Brian, the helplessly romantic groomsman, must each balance their holiday preparations with keeping Wickham confined. But before long, everything reaches a boiling point, festivities spiral into chaos, and the truth comes to light.