The final installment of the Christmas at Pemberley trilogy follows two close friends: Mr. Darcy’s younger sister, Georgiana, and the youngest Bennet sister, Kitty. It is Christmastime at Pemberley and the pair impatiently await the imminent arrival of Henry Grey, Georgiana’s shy, secret correspondent. When Henry enters a family holiday in full force and is met by the unwelcoming presence of Mr. Darcy, Georgiana fears her chance at love will be lost forever. But somehow, love always finds a way!
Main Street has previously produced the first two plays in the trilogy, Miss Bennet and The Wickhams, both of which became hits and holiday favorites for many families across Houston and beyond.
The final installment of the Christmas at Pemberley trilogy follows two close friends: Mr. Darcy’s younger sister, Georgiana, and the youngest Bennet sister, Kitty. It is Christmastime at Pemberley and the pair impatiently await the imminent arrival of Henry Grey, Georgiana’s shy, secret correspondent. When Henry enters a family holiday in full force and is met by the unwelcoming presence of Mr. Darcy, Georgiana fears her chance at love will be lost forever. But somehow, love always finds a way!
Main Street has previously produced the first two plays in the trilogy, Miss Bennet and The Wickhams, both of which became hits and holiday favorites for many families across Houston and beyond.