1946 chronicles the lives of a Texas family in the aftermath of World War II. Joyful, funny, and infused with music throughout the play, 1946 is also powerfully mournful and reflective. Inspired by Hagemann’s own family, it plays out against the background of notable historical figures such as Vernon Baker, Hank Greenberg, and Frank Sinatra.
Main Street produced the world premiere of Houston playwright Thomas Hagemann’s Breakfast at Eight in 2010 as well as the staged reading of 1946 in 2014.
1946 chronicles the lives of a Texas family in the aftermath of World War II. Joyful, funny, and infused with music throughout the play, 1946 is also powerfully mournful and reflective. Inspired by Hagemann’s own family, it plays out against the background of notable historical figures such as Vernon Baker, Hank Greenberg, and Frank Sinatra.
Main Street produced the world premiere of Houston playwright Thomas Hagemann’s Breakfast at Eight in 2010 as well as the staged reading of 1946 in 2014.
1946 chronicles the lives of a Texas family in the aftermath of World War II. Joyful, funny, and infused with music throughout the play, 1946 is also powerfully mournful and reflective. Inspired by Hagemann’s own family, it plays out against the background of notable historical figures such as Vernon Baker, Hank Greenberg, and Frank Sinatra.
Main Street produced the world premiere of Houston playwright Thomas Hagemann’s Breakfast at Eight in 2010 as well as the staged reading of 1946 in 2014.