Laurence Olivier Award-winning comedy Educating Rita takes a poignant, deeply moving, and yet hilarious look at an intrepid 26-year-old hairdresser quest for inner growth, culture, and education. As she enrolls for an open-university course taught by disillusioned Professor Frank who is battling his own demons, they both are forced to confront their own class assumptions.
The play is a complex investigation of class and education. What does it take to pursue a dream? Could such quest alienate your community and your own history? What do you have to sacrifice? Is it worth it? Through a delightful and inspired fusion of comedy and drama playwright Willy Russel attempts to answer these questions while celebrating the possibilities of education and transformation.
Laurence Olivier Award-winning comedy Educating Rita takes a poignant, deeply moving, and yet hilarious look at an intrepid 26-year-old hairdresser quest for inner growth, culture, and education. As she enrolls for an open-university course taught by disillusioned Professor Frank who is battling his own demons, they both are forced to confront their own class assumptions.
The play is a complex investigation of class and education. What does it take to pursue a dream? Could such quest alienate your community and your own history? What do you have to sacrifice? Is it worth it? Through a delightful and inspired fusion of comedy and drama playwright Willy Russel attempts to answer these questions while celebrating the possibilities of education and transformation.
Laurence Olivier Award-winning comedy Educating Rita takes a poignant, deeply moving, and yet hilarious look at an intrepid 26-year-old hairdresser quest for inner growth, culture, and education. As she enrolls for an open-university course taught by disillusioned Professor Frank who is battling his own demons, they both are forced to confront their own class assumptions.
The play is a complex investigation of class and education. What does it take to pursue a dream? Could such quest alienate your community and your own history? What do you have to sacrifice? Is it worth it? Through a delightful and inspired fusion of comedy and drama playwright Willy Russel attempts to answer these questions while celebrating the possibilities of education and transformation.