"Concentrique," a two-person show by Laura Bonnefous and Blandine Soulage, is a poetic dance of color and movement in a global space. Photographed between France, Japan, and Angola, the images in the show reflect the indelibly urban focus of each photographer, both in the ways that they interpret architecture and the people who define its metaphorical landscape. The work of each photographer suggests non-linear movement, operating outside of our spheres of normalcy to better understand the center of the human experience.
The exhibition will remain on display through August 23.
"Concentrique," a two-person show by Laura Bonnefous and Blandine Soulage, is a poetic dance of color and movement in a global space. Photographed between France, Japan, and Angola, the images in the show reflect the indelibly urban focus of each photographer, both in the ways that they interpret architecture and the people who define its metaphorical landscape. The work of each photographer suggests non-linear movement, operating outside of our spheres of normalcy to better understand the center of the human experience.
The exhibition will remain on display through August 23.
Admission is free.