Koslov Larsen presents "Creatures of Curiosity," a solo show by gallery artist JP Terlizzi. Throughout history, the table has stood as an enduring symbol of unity and togetherness. Its significance goes beyond mere utility; it is a profound testament to the human spirit’s innate desire to connect. Whether marking a significant event or simply joining together, the act of thoughtfully preparing and presenting food or an arranged table becomes an expression of love and care.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through March 1.
Koslov Larsen presents "Creatures of Curiosity," a solo show by gallery artist JP Terlizzi. Throughout history, the table has stood as an enduring symbol of unity and togetherness. Its significance goes beyond mere utility; it is a profound testament to the human spirit’s innate desire to connect. Whether marking a significant event or simply joining together, the act of thoughtfully preparing and presenting food or an arranged table becomes an expression of love and care.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through March 1.
Admission is free.