KiKi Maroon’s Comic Strip combines stand-up comedy and nerdy burlesque. This event will feature Dan St. Germain (Comedy Central, @Midnight, John Oliver’s New York Stand-Up Show), Tim Convy (of Ludo, The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and MTV), KiKi Maroon (international award winning burlesque performer and one of “Houston’s Most Colorful Celebrities” according to The Houston Chronicle), and more burlesque dancers and stand-up comedians.
KiKi Maroon’s Comic Strip combines stand-up comedy and nerdy burlesque. This event will feature Dan St. Germain (Comedy Central, @Midnight, John Oliver’s New York Stand-Up Show), Tim Convy (of Ludo, The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and MTV), KiKi Maroon (international award winning burlesque performer and one of “Houston’s Most Colorful Celebrities” according to The Houston Chronicle), and more burlesque dancers and stand-up comedians.
KiKi Maroon’s Comic Strip combines stand-up comedy and nerdy burlesque. This event will feature Dan St. Germain (Comedy Central, @Midnight, John Oliver’s New York Stand-Up Show), Tim Convy (of Ludo, The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and MTV), KiKi Maroon (international award winning burlesque performer and one of “Houston’s Most Colorful Celebrities” according to The Houston Chronicle), and more burlesque dancers and stand-up comedians.