The Piano + series performs thought-provoking, jazzy and emotionally-charged works by Crumb and Daugherty, both inspired by Bartók and also features a world premiere of “Upshot” by UH faculty member, Blake Wilkins. UH faculty members Timothy Hester, Tali Morgulis, Andrew Staupe, Brian Suits, Alec Warren, and Blake Wilkins will perform.
The Piano + series performs thought-provoking, jazzy and emotionally-charged works by Crumb and Daugherty, both inspired by Bartók and also features a world premiere of “Upshot” by UH faculty member, Blake Wilkins. UH faculty members Timothy Hester, Tali Morgulis, Andrew Staupe, Brian Suits, Alec Warren, and Blake Wilkins will perform.
The Piano + series performs thought-provoking, jazzy and emotionally-charged works by Crumb and Daugherty, both inspired by Bartók and also features a world premiere of “Upshot” by UH faculty member, Blake Wilkins. UH faculty members Timothy Hester, Tali Morgulis, Andrew Staupe, Brian Suits, Alec Warren, and Blake Wilkins will perform.