The José Luis de la Paz “Ensemble” premiered in Spain in 2016, infusing the current flamenco landscape with vitality, virtuosity, passion and the highest musical quality. Unlike other flamenco fusion projects, the artists create a fresh and innovative sound through their diverse cultural and musical backgrounds that remains distinctively personal.
The José Luis de la Paz “Ensemble” premiered in Spain in 2016, infusing the current flamenco landscape with vitality, virtuosity, passion and the highest musical quality. Unlike other flamenco fusion projects, the artists create a fresh and innovative sound through their diverse cultural and musical backgrounds that remains distinctively personal.
The José Luis de la Paz “Ensemble” premiered in Spain in 2016, infusing the current flamenco landscape with vitality, virtuosity, passion and the highest musical quality. Unlike other flamenco fusion projects, the artists create a fresh and innovative sound through their diverse cultural and musical backgrounds that remains distinctively personal.