"Passion!" represents Marie Casamayor-Harvey’s journey of life in three countries and events that helped shape her emotionally. She creates oil and acrylic paintings, collage, drawings, mixed media works and sculptures. She incorporates strong boundaries and borders, different materials, the use of rough sandpaper, detached pieces, torn paper and rips, interlocking parts - almost like puzzle pieces, and bold colors mixed with muted tones to create truly powerful images. Her passion comes through in her body of work.
"Passion!" represents Marie Casamayor-Harvey’s journey of life in three countries and events that helped shape her emotionally. She creates oil and acrylic paintings, collage, drawings, mixed media works and sculptures. She incorporates strong boundaries and borders, different materials, the use of rough sandpaper, detached pieces, torn paper and rips, interlocking parts - almost like puzzle pieces, and bold colors mixed with muted tones to create truly powerful images. Her passion comes through in her body of work.
"Passion!" represents Marie Casamayor-Harvey’s journey of life in three countries and events that helped shape her emotionally. She creates oil and acrylic paintings, collage, drawings, mixed media works and sculptures. She incorporates strong boundaries and borders, different materials, the use of rough sandpaper, detached pieces, torn paper and rips, interlocking parts - almost like puzzle pieces, and bold colors mixed with muted tones to create truly powerful images. Her passion comes through in her body of work.