"Convergence" is a solo show exhibit featuring fine art by Reese Lynch. This show explores the juxtaposition of abstract and figurative art. Lynch converges two distinctive styles; cropped realistic forms and doodling. In doing this he hopes to create a viewing experience that is both cohesive and dynamic. The message of this work is open for interpretation.
"Convergence" is a solo show exhibit featuring fine art by Reese Lynch. This show explores the juxtaposition of abstract and figurative art. Lynch converges two distinctive styles; cropped realistic forms and doodling. In doing this he hopes to create a viewing experience that is both cohesive and dynamic. The message of this work is open for interpretation.
"Convergence" is a solo show exhibit featuring fine art by Reese Lynch. This show explores the juxtaposition of abstract and figurative art. Lynch converges two distinctive styles; cropped realistic forms and doodling. In doing this he hopes to create a viewing experience that is both cohesive and dynamic. The message of this work is open for interpretation.