The John Cooper School Upper School Drama production of Almost, Maine is a two-act play with an intermission. The story takes place in far northern Maine on a Friday night at 9 pm in the bitter cold dead of winter. Many of the stories are very personal in nature and are often about love lost or unrequited love. This production (considered PG-13 material) offers 10 vignettes that are poignant, comical and impactful.
The John Cooper School Upper School Drama production of Almost, Maine is a two-act play with an intermission. The story takes place in far northern Maine on a Friday night at 9 pm in the bitter cold dead of winter. Many of the stories are very personal in nature and are often about love lost or unrequited love. This production (considered PG-13 material) offers 10 vignettes that are poignant, comical and impactful.
The John Cooper School Upper School Drama production of Almost, Maine is a two-act play with an intermission. The story takes place in far northern Maine on a Friday night at 9 pm in the bitter cold dead of winter. Many of the stories are very personal in nature and are often about love lost or unrequited love. This production (considered PG-13 material) offers 10 vignettes that are poignant, comical and impactful.