Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by exploring the diversity of Japanese culture through OKI, a leading Ainu musician, who delivers indigenous sounds of Japan’s northernmost region. Oki Kano, known professionally as OKI, is a leading musician of Ainu music – the music of Japan’s northernmost indigenous people.
In his Houston debut, OKI performs solo pieces as well as contemporary works with his band members from their new album Tonkori in the Moonlight, released in January 2022.
Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by exploring the diversity of Japanese culture through OKI, a leading Ainu musician, who delivers indigenous sounds of Japan’s northernmost region. Oki Kano, known professionally as OKI, is a leading musician of Ainu music – the music of Japan’s northernmost indigenous people.
In his Houston debut, OKI performs solo pieces as well as contemporary works with his band members from their new album Tonkori in the Moonlight, released in January 2022.
Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month by exploring the diversity of Japanese culture through OKI, a leading Ainu musician, who delivers indigenous sounds of Japan’s northernmost region. Oki Kano, known professionally as OKI, is a leading musician of Ainu music – the music of Japan’s northernmost indigenous people.
In his Houston debut, OKI performs solo pieces as well as contemporary works with his band members from their new album Tonkori in the Moonlight, released in January 2022.