The Italian Cultural & Community Center presents Carnevale

Photo courtesy of Italian Cultural & Community Center

Carnevale corresponds with the period before the beginning of Lent in the Christian faith. The period of celebration starts following Epifania, or Epiphany, and ends on Martedí Grasso, or Mardi Gras. It derives from the Latin words “carnem” meaning meat and “levare” meaning farewell, referring to the tradition of not eating meat during the 40 days of Lent. Carnevale is celebrated with food, music, entertainment, costumes, parades, and games.

Carnevale corresponds with the period before the beginning of Lent in the Christian faith. The period of celebration starts following Epifania, or Epiphany, and ends on Martedí Grasso, or Mardi Gras. It derives from the Latin words “carnem” meaning meat and “levare” meaning farewell, referring to the tradition of not eating meat during the 40 days of Lent. Carnevale is celebrated with food, music, entertainment, costumes, parades, and games.

Carnevale corresponds with the period before the beginning of Lent in the Christian faith. The period of celebration starts following Epifania, or Epiphany, and ends on Martedí Grasso, or Mardi Gras. It derives from the Latin words “carnem” meaning meat and “levare” meaning farewell, referring to the tradition of not eating meat during the 40 days of Lent. Carnevale is celebrated with food, music, entertainment, costumes, parades, and games.



The Italian Cultural & Community Center
1101 Milford St.
Houston, TX 77006


Admission is free.
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