Iconotheatrix presents their final show of the season, Heathers The Musical (High School Edition). In Heathers The Musical, based on the classic 1989 film, Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing trio: Heather (Courtlin Parisher), Heather (Rachael Palmer), and Heather (Madison Friedhoff), the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer (Nicole Daniels) rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the dark and sexy stranger J.D. (Austin Colburn), who plans to put the Heathers in their place - six feet under.
Iconotheatrix presents their final show of the season, Heathers The Musical (High School Edition). In Heathers The Musical, based on the classic 1989 film, Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing trio: Heather (Courtlin Parisher), Heather (Rachael Palmer), and Heather (Madison Friedhoff), the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer (Nicole Daniels) rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the dark and sexy stranger J.D. (Austin Colburn), who plans to put the Heathers in their place - six feet under.
Iconotheatrix presents their final show of the season, Heathers The Musical (High School Edition). In Heathers The Musical, based on the classic 1989 film, Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing trio: Heather (Courtlin Parisher), Heather (Rachael Palmer), and Heather (Madison Friedhoff), the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer (Nicole Daniels) rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the dark and sexy stranger J.D. (Austin Colburn), who plans to put the Heathers in their place - six feet under.