DreamWorks’ How To Train Your Dragon is a captivating and original story about a young Viking named Hiccup who defies tradition when he befriends one of his deadliest foes – a ferocious dragon he calls Toothless. Together, these unlikely heroes must fight against all odds to save both their worlds.
Featuring John Powell’s Oscar®-nominated score performed live to picture, How to Train Your Dragon – In Concert is a thrilling experience for all ages.
DreamWorks’ How To Train Your Dragon is a captivating and original story about a young Viking named Hiccup who defies tradition when he befriends one of his deadliest foes – a ferocious dragon he calls Toothless. Together, these unlikely heroes must fight against all odds to save both their worlds.
Featuring John Powell’s Oscar®-nominated score performed live to picture, How to Train Your Dragon – In Concert is a thrilling experience for all ages.
DreamWorks’ How To Train Your Dragon is a captivating and original story about a young Viking named Hiccup who defies tradition when he befriends one of his deadliest foes – a ferocious dragon he calls Toothless. Together, these unlikely heroes must fight against all odds to save both their worlds.
Featuring John Powell’s Oscar®-nominated score performed live to picture, How to Train Your Dragon – In Concert is a thrilling experience for all ages.