Acclaimed conductor Gemma New leads Holst’s sonic, celestial showpiece, The Planets, which vividly portrays each planet’s astrological persona, from menacing Mars to jolly Jupiter and beyond. Young cello star Camille Thomas is conquering the world stage, and Elgar’s poignant Cello Concerto is the perfect showcase for her talents. The concert will also feature Alissa Firsova’s poetic reflection on love, Bride of the Wind.
Acclaimed conductor Gemma New leads Holst’s sonic, celestial showpiece, The Planets, which vividly portrays each planet’s astrological persona, from menacing Mars to jolly Jupiter and beyond. Young cello star Camille Thomas is conquering the world stage, and Elgar’s poignant Cello Concerto is the perfect showcase for her talents. The concert will also feature Alissa Firsova’s poetic reflection on love, Bride of the Wind.
Acclaimed conductor Gemma New leads Holst’s sonic, celestial showpiece, The Planets, which vividly portrays each planet’s astrological persona, from menacing Mars to jolly Jupiter and beyond. Young cello star Camille Thomas is conquering the world stage, and Elgar’s poignant Cello Concerto is the perfect showcase for her talents. The concert will also feature Alissa Firsova’s poetic reflection on love, Bride of the Wind.