Experience a riveting semi-staged performance of Beethoven’s only opera, Fidelio. This politically-charged drama follows the heroic struggles of Leonore, who disguises herself as a man (Fidelio) to rescue her husband Florestan, a political prisoner tormented by the tyrant Pizarro. An inspiring hymn to freedom, this opera contains some of Beethoven’s most powerful and beautiful music.
Experience a riveting semi-staged performance of Beethoven’s only opera, Fidelio. This politically-charged drama follows the heroic struggles of Leonore, who disguises herself as a man (Fidelio) to rescue her husband Florestan, a political prisoner tormented by the tyrant Pizarro. An inspiring hymn to freedom, this opera contains some of Beethoven’s most powerful and beautiful music.
Experience a riveting semi-staged performance of Beethoven’s only opera, Fidelio. This politically-charged drama follows the heroic struggles of Leonore, who disguises herself as a man (Fidelio) to rescue her husband Florestan, a political prisoner tormented by the tyrant Pizarro. An inspiring hymn to freedom, this opera contains some of Beethoven’s most powerful and beautiful music.