The Houston Green Film Series event begins with a locally sourced, vegetarian dinner, followed by a special screening of the documentary film Racing Extinction. The documentary follows undercover activists traveling the globe to reveal the many critical issues driving us toward a man-made mass extinction.
After the film, special guests Leilani Munter, a race car driver and activist featured in the film, will be joined by former NASA astronaut and aquanaut Nicole Stott and local conservationist Mark Kramer to discuss the film and participate in a Q&A with audience members.
The Houston Green Film Series event begins with a locally sourced, vegetarian dinner, followed by a special screening of the documentary film Racing Extinction. The documentary follows undercover activists traveling the globe to reveal the many critical issues driving us toward a man-made mass extinction.
After the film, special guests Leilani Munter, a race car driver and activist featured in the film, will be joined by former NASA astronaut and aquanaut Nicole Stott and local conservationist Mark Kramer to discuss the film and participate in a Q&A with audience members.
The Houston Green Film Series event begins with a locally sourced, vegetarian dinner, followed by a special screening of the documentary film Racing Extinction. The documentary follows undercover activists traveling the globe to reveal the many critical issues driving us toward a man-made mass extinction.
After the film, special guests Leilani Munter, a race car driver and activist featured in the film, will be joined by former NASA astronaut and aquanaut Nicole Stott and local conservationist Mark Kramer to discuss the film and participate in a Q&A with audience members.