This story of two young lovers, divided by battling gangs in the harsh streets of New York City’s West Side, broke the mold of musical theater forever. A genre game changer: every line is breathed with a tune, making West Side Story emotionally charged and entertaining. Leave the theater humming famous tunes including “Maria,” “America,” and “Somewhere (There’s a Place for Us).”
Experience the passion, drama, and the heart-stopping dancing that raised the bar and set new expectations for other musicals and stage productions forever.
This story of two young lovers, divided by battling gangs in the harsh streets of New York City’s West Side, broke the mold of musical theater forever. A genre game changer: every line is breathed with a tune, making West Side Story emotionally charged and entertaining. Leave the theater humming famous tunes including “Maria,” “America,” and “Somewhere (There’s a Place for Us).”
Experience the passion, drama, and the heart-stopping dancing that raised the bar and set new expectations for other musicals and stage productions forever.
This story of two young lovers, divided by battling gangs in the harsh streets of New York City’s West Side, broke the mold of musical theater forever. A genre game changer: every line is breathed with a tune, making West Side Story emotionally charged and entertaining. Leave the theater humming famous tunes including “Maria,” “America,” and “Somewhere (There’s a Place for Us).”
Experience the passion, drama, and the heart-stopping dancing that raised the bar and set new expectations for other musicals and stage productions forever.