In a conversation moderated by Opera America equity consultant Quodesia Johnson and featuring a panel including librettist Gene Scheer, director/choreographer Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, BSNM Director of Exhibitions Cale Carter, and Fifth Ward Development Corp. Director of Arts and Culture/Urban Souls Dance Company Artistic Director Harrison Guy, Houston Grand Opera explores what it means to question existing narratives, uncover the truth, and discern the authenticity of stories we hear, those we don’t hear, and those that are suppressed.
In a conversation moderated by Opera America equity consultant Quodesia Johnson and featuring a panel including librettist Gene Scheer, director/choreographer Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, BSNM Director of Exhibitions Cale Carter, and Fifth Ward Development Corp. Director of Arts and Culture/Urban Souls Dance Company Artistic Director Harrison Guy, Houston Grand Opera explores what it means to question existing narratives, uncover the truth, and discern the authenticity of stories we hear, those we don’t hear, and those that are suppressed.