The world premiere of composer Joel Thompson and librettist Andrea Davis Pinkney’s new opera, based on the beloved children’s book by Jack Ezra Keats, has been delayed, but audiences can enjoy a video presentation on the work, which shares the heartwarming story of Peter, a young boy exploring New York City on a snowy day - who is also the first Black American protagonist of a mainstream children’s book.
The world premiere of composer Joel Thompson and librettist Andrea Davis Pinkney’s new opera, based on the beloved children’s book by Jack Ezra Keats, has been delayed, but audiences can enjoy a video presentation on the work, which shares the heartwarming story of Peter, a young boy exploring New York City on a snowy day - who is also the first Black American protagonist of a mainstream children’s book.
The world premiere of composer Joel Thompson and librettist Andrea Davis Pinkney’s new opera, based on the beloved children’s book by Jack Ezra Keats, has been delayed, but audiences can enjoy a video presentation on the work, which shares the heartwarming story of Peter, a young boy exploring New York City on a snowy day - who is also the first Black American protagonist of a mainstream children’s book.