This heartwarming, family-friendly story follows a precocious daughter who struggles to understand her father’s resentment about the holidays and longs for a beautiful Christmas tree like other families have, to “make her house look happy.”
An adaptation of the beloved 1972 television film of the same name, this uplifting world premiere is part of HGO’s ongoing Holiday Opera Series and will touch audiences of all ages.
This opera will now take place at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, due to the closing of the Wortham Theater Center for repairs. The opera will be presented in Exhibit Hall A3 of the convention center, to be called the HGO Resilience Theater, an intimate theater for “unconventional opera.”
This heartwarming, family-friendly story follows a precocious daughter who struggles to understand her father’s resentment about the holidays and longs for a beautiful Christmas tree like other families have, to “make her house look happy.”
An adaptation of the beloved 1972 television film of the same name, this uplifting world premiere is part of HGO’s ongoing Holiday Opera Series and will touch audiences of all ages.
This opera will now take place at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, due to the closing of the Wortham Theater Center for repairs. The opera will be presented in Exhibit Hall A3 of the convention center, to be called the HGO Resilience Theater, an intimate theater for “unconventional opera.”
This heartwarming, family-friendly story follows a precocious daughter who struggles to understand her father’s resentment about the holidays and longs for a beautiful Christmas tree like other families have, to “make her house look happy.”
An adaptation of the beloved 1972 television film of the same name, this uplifting world premiere is part of HGO’s ongoing Holiday Opera Series and will touch audiences of all ages.
This opera will now take place at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, due to the closing of the Wortham Theater Center for repairs. The opera will be presented in Exhibit Hall A3 of the convention center, to be called the HGO Resilience Theater, an intimate theater for “unconventional opera.”