"Broken Hearts & Madmen" joins two of Canada's leading musical forces: The Gryphon Trio and vocalist Patricia O'Callaghan. Approaching their 20th season together with 16 recordings and two coveted Juno Awards to their credit, the Gryphon Trio musicians, each have a stellar career individually.
Jamie Parker shares his gift for the piano with his brother Jon "Jackie" Kimura Parker, famed pianist and professor at Rice University's Shepherd School of Music. Patricia O'Callaghan, who Billboard called "the most promising cabaret performer of her generation," trained as an opera singer but soon gravitated toward the music of Kurt Weill and Leonard Cohen. She has since recorded everything from Erik Satie to Bob Dylan.
Eclecticism has long been a mainstay of the jazz and pop worlds, where experimentation is encouraged and celebrated. But chamber music, with its roots in specific classical repertoire, has often been limited on simply keeping old traditions alive. The Gryphon Trio is committed to changing that, and "Broken Hearts & Madmen" is a perfect cabaret-style illustration of the group's adventurous spirit.