Featuring the gifted young dancers of the renowned Houston Ballet Academy, the annual Academy Spring Showcase offers a glimpse into the bright future of the professional company. Hundreds of dancers grace the stage in a display of remarkable artistry, from beloved classical styles to innovative contemporary movements, all while showcasing the high level of training and technique instilled by the Academy.
Featuring the gifted young dancers of the renowned Houston Ballet Academy, the annual Academy Spring Showcase offers a glimpse into the bright future of the professional company. Hundreds of dancers grace the stage in a display of remarkable artistry, from beloved classical styles to innovative contemporary movements, all while showcasing the high level of training and technique instilled by the Academy.
Featuring the gifted young dancers of the renowned Houston Ballet Academy, the annual Academy Spring Showcase offers a glimpse into the bright future of the professional company. Hundreds of dancers grace the stage in a display of remarkable artistry, from beloved classical styles to innovative contemporary movements, all while showcasing the high level of training and technique instilled by the Academy.