Houston Arts Alliance presents A National Conversation: How Local Arts Communities Organize

Houston Arts Alliance/Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/houstonartsalliance]

America’s cities organize themselves in a variety of ways to support and advance the arts, culture and creative sectors. Often called the arts ecosystem, the local field will include nonprofit arts/cultural organizations, individual artists, cultural tourism programs, preservation conservancies, community and educational institutions, advocacy organizations, arts education initiatives, professional associations such as art dealers and artist unions and various forms of discipline-specific service organizations. These systems grow organically, and often in tandem with Local Arts Agencies (LAA/LAAs). These cultural intermediaries, LAAs, are created in various structures and have varying roles in their respective cities, shaped to the needs of their community.

As Houston’s designated local arts agency, HAA is hosting this panel discussion for an in-depth conversation on how other American cities organize themselves through the arts, the form and function of their LAA models, and trends across the country.

Panelists will include Michael Killoren – Local Arts Agencies & Challenge America Director, National Endowment for the Arts; Danielle Brazell – General Manager, City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs; Jodi Ulich – Director of Convention & Cultural Services, City of Sacramento; and Matthew J. Nielson – Deputy Commissioner, City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events - Cultural Planning and Operations Division.



Hobby Center for the Performing Arts
800 Bagby St.
Houston, TX 77002


Admission is free.
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