To celebrate the 179th anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto, Jan DeVault, president of the San Jacinto Battleground Conservancy, will present a program titled "Unlocking Mysteries at the San Jacinto Battleground: Archives, Archeology and the Fair Sex."
The presentation will explore recent archeological projects at San Jacinto and will discuss how the use of archival material has guided the ongoing archeology at the San Jacinto Battleground. DeVault's talk will also touch on efforts to preserve the Battleground which were originally led by a group of 19th century Houston women.
Jan DeVault has worked most of her professional life in the oil and gas industry and has served on the board of two publicly traded oil and gas companies. She earned a degree in history from the University of Texas-Arlington. A fifth generation Texan, she is the past president of the San Jacinto Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas and authored The Ladies and the Battlefield, a book about the early preservation effort of women at the San Jacinto Battlefield.
Attendees at this meeting will also get a special preview of artifacts recovered by the Golden family in the 1960s from the mudflats near the historic 1820-1880 San Jacinto township. The artifacts will be part of an exhibit prepared by members of the HAS for the 2015 San Jacinto Symposium, which will be held on April 18.