A dream-like folk tale of modern life, The Sonic Life of a Giant Tortoise explores urbanites’ collective longing for the extraordinary. Like a Haruki Murakami story come to life, Sonic Life... feelingly navigates the complex threads of the mundane and surreal. Can secret wishes lead people out of the boring day-to-day into a more meaningful existence?
A dream-like folk tale of modern life, The Sonic Life of a Giant Tortoise explores urbanites’ collective longing for the extraordinary. Like a Haruki Murakami story come to life, Sonic Life... feelingly navigates the complex threads of the mundane and surreal. Can secret wishes lead people out of the boring day-to-day into a more meaningful existence?
A dream-like folk tale of modern life, The Sonic Life of a Giant Tortoise explores urbanites’ collective longing for the extraordinary. Like a Haruki Murakami story come to life, Sonic Life... feelingly navigates the complex threads of the mundane and surreal. Can secret wishes lead people out of the boring day-to-day into a more meaningful existence?