Holocaust Survivor Bill Orlin will share his testimony. Between 1939 and 1945, Orlin and his family lived on the run. Bill, the eldest son of Sender and Sonia Orlinski, was seven years old when German troops invaded Poland and occupied his hometown of Brok. The Jewish residents were forcibly marched to Ostrow Mazowiecki, about 50 miles northwest of Warsaw.
Holocaust Survivor Bill Orlin will share his testimony. Between 1939 and 1945, Orlin and his family lived on the run. Bill, the eldest son of Sender and Sonia Orlinski, was seven years old when German troops invaded Poland and occupied his hometown of Brok. The Jewish residents were forcibly marched to Ostrow Mazowiecki, about 50 miles northwest of Warsaw.
Holocaust Survivor Bill Orlin will share his testimony. Between 1939 and 1945, Orlin and his family lived on the run. Bill, the eldest son of Sender and Sonia Orlinski, was seven years old when German troops invaded Poland and occupied his hometown of Brok. The Jewish residents were forcibly marched to Ostrow Mazowiecki, about 50 miles northwest of Warsaw.