Holocaust Museum Houston presents Breakfast Book Club: Music of the Ghosts by Vaddey Ratner

Photo courtesy of Holocaust Museum Houston

The Friends of The Boniuk Library will host a discussion of Music of the Ghosts by Vaddey Ratner. In this novel, a Cambodian child refuge, now an adult, returns to Phnom Pehn to discover the truth about her family. This event is free, but participants must pay for their own breakfast.

The Friends of The Boniuk Library will host a discussion of Music of the Ghosts by Vaddey Ratner. In this novel, a Cambodian child refuge, now an adult, returns to Phnom Pehn to discover the truth about her family. This event is free, but participants must pay for their own breakfast.

The Friends of The Boniuk Library will host a discussion of Music of the Ghosts by Vaddey Ratner. In this novel, a Cambodian child refuge, now an adult, returns to Phnom Pehn to discover the truth about her family. This event is free, but participants must pay for their own breakfast.



Harry's Restaurant and Cafe
318 Tuam St.
Houston, TX 77006


Admission is free.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.
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