The renowned duo of Jay Kacherski and Lina Morita present Brazos de Dios by Houston composer J. Todd Frazier written for guitar and piano. The work reflects the various cultures in Texas touched by the Brazos River and its tributaries. This is the second public performance of this piece. With Clara McLain the program will include solo guitar and duos by Albéniz, Morel, deFalla, Scarlatti, Giuliani, and Merlin. After Sunday brunch, enjoy a wonderful afternoon of classical guitar.
The renowned duo of Jay Kacherski and Lina Morita present Brazos de Dios by Houston composer J. Todd Frazier written for guitar and piano. The work reflects the various cultures in Texas touched by the Brazos River and its tributaries. This is the second public performance of this piece. With Clara McLain the program will include solo guitar and duos by Albéniz, Morel, deFalla, Scarlatti, Giuliani, and Merlin. After Sunday brunch, enjoy a wonderful afternoon of classical guitar.
The renowned duo of Jay Kacherski and Lina Morita present Brazos de Dios by Houston composer J. Todd Frazier written for guitar and piano. The work reflects the various cultures in Texas touched by the Brazos River and its tributaries. This is the second public performance of this piece. With Clara McLain the program will include solo guitar and duos by Albéniz, Morel, deFalla, Scarlatti, Giuliani, and Merlin. After Sunday brunch, enjoy a wonderful afternoon of classical guitar.