Saving Susannah opens in an ominous whirlwind with a family member in crisis setting in motion the intrusion of the deep past into the present. A kaleidoscopic memoir told from shifting perspectives, the work weaves family history, genealogy, fictional history, travelogue and imagined conversations to create lost worlds. Can the recovery of the past heal the present? What does the scientific evidence provided by emerging research in Family Systems Theory and Epigenetics tell us about deep patterns of behavior and repetitions across generations?
Saving Susannah opens in an ominous whirlwind with a family member in crisis setting in motion the intrusion of the deep past into the present. A kaleidoscopic memoir told from shifting perspectives, the work weaves family history, genealogy, fictional history, travelogue and imagined conversations to create lost worlds. Can the recovery of the past heal the present? What does the scientific evidence provided by emerging research in Family Systems Theory and Epigenetics tell us about deep patterns of behavior and repetitions across generations?
Saving Susannah opens in an ominous whirlwind with a family member in crisis setting in motion the intrusion of the deep past into the present. A kaleidoscopic memoir told from shifting perspectives, the work weaves family history, genealogy, fictional history, travelogue and imagined conversations to create lost worlds. Can the recovery of the past heal the present? What does the scientific evidence provided by emerging research in Family Systems Theory and Epigenetics tell us about deep patterns of behavior and repetitions across generations?