Based on the beloved fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson (the basis for Disney's animated film, Frozen), choreographers Rebecca French, Laura Harrell, and Heather VonReichbauer tell this timeless story of friendship and loss. Holly Moran will dance the roll of the Snow Queen and Lauren Burke will dance the role of Gerta.
Based on the beloved fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson (the basis for Disney's animated film, Frozen), choreographers Rebecca French, Laura Harrell, and Heather VonReichbauer tell this timeless story of friendship and loss. Holly Moran will dance the roll of the Snow Queen and Lauren Burke will dance the role of Gerta.
Based on the beloved fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson (the basis for Disney's animated film, Frozen), choreographers Rebecca French, Laura Harrell, and Heather VonReichbauer tell this timeless story of friendship and loss. Holly Moran will dance the roll of the Snow Queen and Lauren Burke will dance the role of Gerta.
Pilot Theater
5102 Navigation Blvd.
Houston, TX 77011
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.