"Dancing with the Machine" is an original dance narrative that pays homage to steampunk and other science fiction genres popularized by authors such as William Gibson, Bruce Sterling and China Mièville. FrenetiCore Dance invites audiences into a post-apocalyptic future where the digital age has imploded and humanity is left with steam-powered technology as the sole means of existence.
Based on an original story by Adam Castaneda, choreographer Rebecca French and collaborators tell the story of a free-spirited heroine named Aida (danced by Lauren Burke) who finds herself at odds with the dictatorial policies of the ruling government. Fueled by the desire to rid the world of the unjust oppression of the weak, Aida begins a journey across a desolate landscape in search of a band of unruly rebels who are rumored to hold the secret to unlocking a new age of peace and prosperity. Along the way, Aida discovers secrets of her family's past, a machine that will bring about a new age of enlightenment, and a young man who not only holds the key to a revolution, but to her heart.
"Dancing with the Machine" is a story of hope, perseverance and the courage to fight evil in the face of adversity. The show is also a testament to the strength of family, and the transformative power of love.
The work is set to the music of Graham Reynolds' A Difference Engine and features sets by Dave Brown and costumes by Ashley Horn. Cast includes Danielle Artis, Brenda Baez, Lauren Burke, Adam Castaneda, Dorianne Castillo, Rebecca Demotte, Rebecca French, Jaime Garcia, Carlos Guzman, Lauren Hurstell, Mollie Miller, Holly Moran and Lyric Williams.