FotoFest presents "I'd hammer out danger, I'd hammer out a warning"

Photo courtesy of Video Data Bank, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

"I’d hammer out danger, I’d hammer out a warning" is a three-part exhibition presented by FotoFest featuring four films by artists and filmmakers whose work has been inspirational to the conceptual development of the upcoming FotoFest Biennial 2022 exhibition, "If I Had a Hammer.: Each of the presented films explore, through varied methods and approaches, the ways the circulation of mediated spectacles and images both inform and reflect social movements, political ideologies, and cultural imaginaries.

Together, the artists in the exhibition demonstrate techniques of navigating the entanglement of images and ideologies, while underscoring the consequences of critical and cultural intervention on hegemonic systems and structures such as religion, mass-media, and capitalism.

The following films will be screened:

  • April 8-14: Harun Farocki, Images of the World and the Inscription of War, 1988
  • April 15-21: Dan Graham, Rock My Religion, 1983–84
  • April 22-30: Tony Cokes, Black Celebration (A Rebellion against the Commodity), 1988; Rea Tajiri, History and Memory: For Akiko and Takashige, 1991

"I’d hammer out danger, I’d hammer out a warning" is a three-part exhibition presented by FotoFest featuring four films by artists and filmmakers whose work has been inspirational to the conceptual development of the upcoming FotoFest Biennial 2022 exhibition, "If I Had a Hammer.: Each of the presented films explore, through varied methods and approaches, the ways the circulation of mediated spectacles and images both inform and reflect social movements, political ideologies, and cultural imaginaries.

Together, the artists in the exhibition demonstrate techniques of navigating the entanglement of images and ideologies, while underscoring the consequences of critical and cultural intervention on hegemonic systems and structures such as religion, mass-media, and capitalism.

The following films will be screened:

  • April 8-14: Harun Farocki, Images of the World and the Inscription of War, 1988
  • April 15-21: Dan Graham, Rock My Religion, 1983–84
  • April 22-30: Tony Cokes, Black Celebration (A Rebellion against the Commodity), 1988; Rea Tajiri, History and Memory: For Akiko and Takashige, 1991

"I’d hammer out danger, I’d hammer out a warning" is a three-part exhibition presented by FotoFest featuring four films by artists and filmmakers whose work has been inspirational to the conceptual development of the upcoming FotoFest Biennial 2022 exhibition, "If I Had a Hammer.: Each of the presented films explore, through varied methods and approaches, the ways the circulation of mediated spectacles and images both inform and reflect social movements, political ideologies, and cultural imaginaries.

Together, the artists in the exhibition demonstrate techniques of navigating the entanglement of images and ideologies, while underscoring the consequences of critical and cultural intervention on hegemonic systems and structures such as religion, mass-media, and capitalism.

The following films will be screened:

  • April 8-14: Harun Farocki, Images of the World and the Inscription of War, 1988
  • April 15-21: Dan Graham, Rock My Religion, 1983–84
  • April 22-30: Tony Cokes, Black Celebration (A Rebellion against the Commodity), 1988; Rea Tajiri, History and Memory: For Akiko and Takashige, 1991



Silver Street Studios
2000 Edwards St.
Houston, TX 77007


Admission is free.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.
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