First3Years presents Baby Day

Photo courtesy of First3Years

Baby Day is the only statewide celebration of the first three years of life, a day acknowledging and celebrating this incredible period. Baby Day will host specialized activities to promote bonding and foster early brain development for families and caretakers with very young children. Baby Day activities are tailored for infants and toddlers from ages 0-3 and range from infant yoga to music classes to dancing, curated art, story time, and more.

Baby Day is the only statewide celebration of the first three years of life, a day acknowledging and celebrating this incredible period. Baby Day will host specialized activities to promote bonding and foster early brain development for families and caretakers with very young children. Baby Day activities are tailored for infants and toddlers from ages 0-3 and range from infant yoga to music classes to dancing, curated art, story time, and more.

Baby Day is the only statewide celebration of the first three years of life, a day acknowledging and celebrating this incredible period. Baby Day will host specialized activities to promote bonding and foster early brain development for families and caretakers with very young children. Baby Day activities are tailored for infants and toddlers from ages 0-3 and range from infant yoga to music classes to dancing, curated art, story time, and more.



Health Museum
1515 Hermann Dr.
Houston, TX 77004


Admission is free.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.
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