Honor and Sacrifice tells the complex story of a Japanese immigrant family ripped apart by World War II. The Matsumoto family included five sons; two who fought for the Americans and three who fought for the Japanese.
The eldest, Hiroshi (Roy), became a hero, fighting against the Japanese with Merrill's Marauders, an American guerrilla unit in Burma. He was born near Los Angeles, educated in Japan and became a hero when he used his Japanese language skills and military training to save his surrounded, starving battalion deep in the Burmese jungle. At the same time, his parents and sisters were living in their family's ancestral home, Hiroshima.
The story is told by Roy's daughter Karen as she discovers her father's work in military intelligence, kept secret for 50 years.
Ann Takehara and Marion and Kenneth Takehara will lead a post-film discussion.
This event is presented in conjunction with "American Heroes: Japanese American World War II Nisei Soldiers and The Congressional Gold Medal," on view through Jan. 26, 2014.