Sing!Sing!Sing!, Houston's no-audition, live music, popup singing group, will host Fifth Monday... An Evening to Connect, a summer evening for people of all cultures, ages, religion, political persuasion, etc., to come together ... through song. The idea is simple: to use the power of music to bring together diverse people to share a common hope for a more unified and peaceful community.
Sing!Sing!Sing!, Houston's no-audition, live music, popup singing group, will host Fifth Monday... An Evening to Connect, a summer evening for people of all cultures, ages, religion, political persuasion, etc., to come together ... through song. The idea is simple: to use the power of music to bring together diverse people to share a common hope for a more unified and peaceful community.
Sing!Sing!Sing!, Houston's no-audition, live music, popup singing group, will host Fifth Monday... An Evening to Connect, a summer evening for people of all cultures, ages, religion, political persuasion, etc., to come together ... through song. The idea is simple: to use the power of music to bring together diverse people to share a common hope for a more unified and peaceful community.