Originally conceived and developed at the University of St. Thomas, Divine Mercy Witness is a one-woman show by Iris Lacsamana that explores a young woman's coming of age through storytelling, dance, and music. Lacsamana portrays a dozen characters and jumps through time and space to tell a deeply personal tale inspired by a life changing trip to Poland.
Originally conceived and developed at the University of St. Thomas, Divine Mercy Witness is a one-woman show by Iris Lacsamana that explores a young woman's coming of age through storytelling, dance, and music. Lacsamana portrays a dozen characters and jumps through time and space to tell a deeply personal tale inspired by a life changing trip to Poland.
Originally conceived and developed at the University of St. Thomas, Divine Mercy Witness is a one-woman show by Iris Lacsamana that explores a young woman's coming of age through storytelling, dance, and music. Lacsamana portrays a dozen characters and jumps through time and space to tell a deeply personal tale inspired by a life changing trip to Poland.