Diverse Discourse Lecture: Astria Suparak, independent curator

Courtesy photo

Astria Suparak has curated exhibitions, screenings and performance and music events for art spaces, film festivals and academic venues internationally, including PS1, The Kitchen, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Eyebeam, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen and The Liverpool Biennial, as well as for non-art spaces such as roller-skating rinks, elementary schools, sports bars and ferry boats.

Suparak was director of the Pratt Institute Film Series (1997-2000) and Syracuse University's Warehouse Gallery (2006-2007). As the director and curator of the Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University (2008-2014), she curated Keep It Slick: Infiltrating Capitalism with The Yes Men, the first solo exhibition of the internationally renowned culture-jamming group; Whatever It Takes: Steelers Fan Collections, Rituals, and Obsessions, which explored sports fanaticism as a significant form of cultural production; and Alien She, about the lasting impact of the global punk feminist movement Riot Grrrl.

Diverse Discourse brings national curators, artistic directors and critics to Houston to present public lectures and conduct studio visits with selected Houston-area artists, performers and writers. Diverse Discourse provides a significant opportunity for area artists in all disciplines to have their work reviewed by a variety of distinguished arts professionals, fostering a cultural exchange across the nation between artists and cultural producers.

Diverse Discourse lectures are free, but seating is limited. DiverseWorks members may reserve a seat by emailing Jennifer Gardner at jennifer@diverseworks.org.



3400 Main St.
Houston, TX 77004


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