While living in the country home of the eccentric Professor Kirke during World War II, four siblings discover a magical wardrobe that leads them to the mystical land of Narnia. There they encounter a forest full of characters including Aslan, a great lion, and his nemesis, the White Witch. They also meet a unicorn, a centaur, Father Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, and Tumnus, the faun. There are duels, chases and narrow escapes. With its triumph of good over evil, this story of love, faith, courage and giving is a true celebration of life.
While living in the country home of the eccentric Professor Kirke during World War II, four siblings discover a magical wardrobe that leads them to the mystical land of Narnia. There they encounter a forest full of characters including Aslan, a great lion, and his nemesis, the White Witch. They also meet a unicorn, a centaur, Father Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, and Tumnus, the faun. There are duels, chases and narrow escapes. With its triumph of good over evil, this story of love, faith, courage and giving is a true celebration of life.
While living in the country home of the eccentric Professor Kirke during World War II, four siblings discover a magical wardrobe that leads them to the mystical land of Narnia. There they encounter a forest full of characters including Aslan, a great lion, and his nemesis, the White Witch. They also meet a unicorn, a centaur, Father Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, and Tumnus, the faun. There are duels, chases and narrow escapes. With its triumph of good over evil, this story of love, faith, courage and giving is a true celebration of life.