In a small village in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, a father accidentally kills his son during a bar brawl and is sent away to prison. While in jail, the entire village becomes a scapegoat for Nazi officer Reinhard Heydrich's assassination. After he’s freed, he returns home to learn that everyone he ever cared about has been massacred in one of the worst events of World War II.
In a small village in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, a father accidentally kills his son during a bar brawl and is sent away to prison. While in jail, the entire village becomes a scapegoat for Nazi officer Reinhard Heydrich's assassination. After he’s freed, he returns home to learn that everyone he ever cared about has been massacred in one of the worst events of World War II.
In a small village in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, a father accidentally kills his son during a bar brawl and is sent away to prison. While in jail, the entire village becomes a scapegoat for Nazi officer Reinhard Heydrich's assassination. After he’s freed, he returns home to learn that everyone he ever cared about has been massacred in one of the worst events of World War II.