CounterCurrent: This Page Left Intentionally Blank

Photo courtesy of Big Dance Theater

Beginning in the museum’s main lobby and winding all about The Menil Collection’s unique campus of buildings and satellite installations, This Page Left Intentionally Blank deconstructs the role of the docent and the museum audio tour, subverting how visitors observe art in a museum. Walls are no longer simply walls: a parade of changing perspectives invades the in-between spaces of the museum as visitors are led toward this single artwork - what will happen and how will you respond once you get there? Will you be prepared to confront this work of art, already set deep in your imagination by the journey there? Are you ready to see anew?

Beginning in the museum’s main lobby and winding all about The Menil Collection’s unique campus of buildings and satellite installations, This Page Left Intentionally Blank deconstructs the role of the docent and the museum audio tour, subverting how visitors observe art in a museum. Walls are no longer simply walls: a parade of changing perspectives invades the in-between spaces of the museum as visitors are led toward this single artwork - what will happen and how will you respond once you get there? Will you be prepared to confront this work of art, already set deep in your imagination by the journey there? Are you ready to see anew?

Beginning in the museum’s main lobby and winding all about The Menil Collection’s unique campus of buildings and satellite installations, This Page Left Intentionally Blank deconstructs the role of the docent and the museum audio tour, subverting how visitors observe art in a museum. Walls are no longer simply walls: a parade of changing perspectives invades the in-between spaces of the museum as visitors are led toward this single artwork - what will happen and how will you respond once you get there? Will you be prepared to confront this work of art, already set deep in your imagination by the journey there? Are you ready to see anew?



The Menil Collection
1533 Sul Ross St.
Houston, TX 77006


Admission is free.
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