After the unexpected and untimely death of his brother Claiborne, choreographer and Core Dance Company Manager D. Patton White was compelled to create. Several sources of inspiration informed his dance making including the etymology of the word “memorial,” a recommended musical composition of the third movement of Ralph Vaughn Williams’ Symphony Number 5 in D Major, and the creative talents of the dance artists of Core Dance.
After the unexpected and untimely death of his brother Claiborne, choreographer and Core Dance Company Manager D. Patton White was compelled to create. Several sources of inspiration informed his dance making including the etymology of the word “memorial,” a recommended musical composition of the third movement of Ralph Vaughn Williams’ Symphony Number 5 in D Major, and the creative talents of the dance artists of Core Dance.
After the unexpected and untimely death of his brother Claiborne, choreographer and Core Dance Company Manager D. Patton White was compelled to create. Several sources of inspiration informed his dance making including the etymology of the word “memorial,” a recommended musical composition of the third movement of Ralph Vaughn Williams’ Symphony Number 5 in D Major, and the creative talents of the dance artists of Core Dance.